Our company has considerable production experience and technology, and product production has strict quality process.
One-Stop Service : We can offer Metal Enclosure For HV battery 96S + Plastic holders for EVE LF105+HV BMS 96S 200A
TOPBMS High Voltage BMS 12S-240S + RS485 Communication/CANBUS Communication for Eelectrical Vehicle
Metal closure + Plastic Holders for Battery 16S of EVE lf 105 AH
TOPBMS High Voltage BMS 12S-240S with active balancing 2A + RS485 Communication/CANBUS Communication for Eelectrical Vehicle and Solar Energy Storage
EVCC is used to convert GB/T 27930 to CCS2 standard
TOPBMS: Smart BMS 14S-24S discharge/charge 250A continuous / 750A peak with bluetooth /RS485/CANbus